Through our Human Rights training and promotion programs we aim to contribute to the dissemination of accurate and up-to-date information and to provide materials for the training of trainers.

Capacidades para la gestión local de políticas públicas destinadas a niñas y niños con discapacidad
Compartimos diagnóstico, enfoques y propuestas para seguir trabajando en la defensa y promoción de la niñez y adolescencia con discapacidad.

Booklet Disability and COVID-19
Material with information, resources and recommendations for the population with disabilities in the context of the pandemic and social, preventive and mandatory isolation.

How does COVID-19 affect homes and people with disabilities?
Report on the most important changes in daily life and in homes where girls, boys and adults with disabilities live during social, preventive and compulsory isolation.

Booklet Rights of People with Disabilities
Information on services, benefits and resources available to people with disabilities.

International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Guide of Resources and Activities to know and promote our Rights.

Community Strengthening Manual
Resource Guide for the promotion of the Rights of girls, boys and adolescents with disabilities.

Booklet Corrientes
Informative material with benefits, resources and data on provincial public policies aimed at the population with disabilities.

Booklet Jujuy
Informative material with benefits, resources and data on provincial public policies aimed at the population with disabilities.

Booklet Entre Ríos
Informative material with benefits, resources and data on provincial public policies aimed at the population with disabilities.

Booklet Salta
Informative material with benefits, resources and data on provincial public policies aimed at the population with disabilities.

Booklet Santiago del Estero
Informative material with benefits, resources and data on provincial public policies aimed at the population with disabilities.

Booklet Misiones
Informative material with benefits, resources and data on provincial public policies aimed at the population with disabilities.

International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Guide of Resources and Activities to know and promote our Rights.

Community Strengthening Manual
Resource Guide for the promotion of the Rights of girls, boys and adolescents with disabilities.