Let´s take care
On very cold days when we are at home, we need to take care of carbon monoxide poisoning. Here we share some tips for continuing to protect each other.

Outings and circulation of professionals at home for people with disabilities
Professionals who provide home services to people with disabilities can carry out their activities according to the guidelines established by the National Disability Agency.

Outings and circulation of people with disabilities
Since the social, preventive and mandatory isolation established by the national government on March 19, the National Disability Agency has established a series of measures for the outings of persons with disabilities that we share in the video.

Photography workshop
Throughout the year, the young people of the Day Center worked in the Photography Laboratory with their teacher with different proposals: symmetrical framing, separation of motif and background, depth of field, selection of close-ups and second shots, lighting with lights and shadows ... But the most important thing is that they search for their gaze and discover worlds.
Here we share his beautiful works.
Enjoy them!